
Astro v5.0-beta


This guide will help you migrate from Astro v4 to Astro v5-beta.

Need to upgrade an older project to v4 first? See our older migration guide.

The following features are new/stable in Astro v5.0-beta:

Try the Astro v5-beta in a new project:

Terminal window
npm create astro@latest -- --ref next

Update your existing project’s version of Astro and all official integrations to the latest versions using your package manager.

Terminal window
# Upgrade Astro and official integrations together
npx @astrojs/upgrade beta

Astro v5.0 includes potentially breaking changes, as well as the removal and deprecation of some features.

If your project doesn’t work as expected after upgrading to v5.0, check this guide for an overview of all breaking changes and instructions on how to update your codebase.

See the Astro changelog for full release notes.

The minimum supported version of Node.js in Astro v5.0 is v18.17.1

Check that both your development environment and your deployment environment are using Node 18.17.1 or higher.

  1. Check your local version of Node using:

    Terminal window
    node -v
  2. Check your deployment environment’s own documentation to verify that they support this version of Node.

    You can specify Node 18.17.1 for your Astro project either in a dashboard configuration setting or a .nvmrc file.


Astro 5.0-beta updates to Vite 6.0-beta as the development server and production bundler. Note: Astro v5 will remain in beta until Vite v6 has been released as stable. During this period, The Vite version is pinned and upgraded by Astro manually to prevent unhandled breaking changes.

If you are using Vite-specific plugins, configuration, or APIs, check the Vite CHANGELOG for their breaking changes and upgrade your project as needed.

Vite’s current beta release has no breaking changes for Astro at this time.

In Astro v4.x, Astro performed internal JSX handling for the @astrojs/mdx integration.

Astro v5.0 moves this responsibility to handle and render JSX and MDX to the @astrojs/mdx package directly. This means that Astro 5.0 is no longer compatible with older versions of the MDX integration.

If your project includes .mdx files, you must upgrade @astrojs/mdx to the latest version (v4.0.0) so that your JSX can be handled properly by the integration.

If you are using an MDX server renderer with the experimental Astro Container API you must update the import to reflect the new location:

import mdxRenderer from "astro/jsx/server.js";
import mdxRenderer from "@astrojs/mdx/server.js";
Learn more about using MDX in your project.

The following features are considered legacy features. They should function normally but are no longer recommended and are in maintenance mode. They will see no future improvements and documentation will not be updated. These features will eventually be deprecated, and then removed entirely.

Legacy: v2.0 Content Collections API

Section titled Legacy: v2.0 Content Collections API

In Astro 4.x, content collections were defined, queried, and rendered using the Content Collections API first introduced in Astro v2.0.

Astro 5.0 introduces a new version of content collections using the Content Layer API which brings several performance improvements and added capabilities. While old (legacy) and new (Content Layer API) collections can continue exist together in this release, there are potentially breaking changes to existing legacy collections.

We recommend converting any existing collections to the new Content Layer API as soon as you are able and making any new collections using the Content Layer API.

If you are unable to convert your collections, then please consult the legacy collections breaking changes to see whether your existing collections are affected and require updating.

If you are unable to make any changes to your collections at this time, you can enable the legacy.collections flag which will allow you to keep your colletions in their current state until the legacy flag is no longer supported.

Learn more about the updated content collections.

See the instructions below for converting an existing content collection with Markdown, MDX, Markdoc, or JSON entries to use the Content Layer API.

Step-by-step instructions to update a collection
  1. Move the collection folder out of src/content/ (e.g. to src/data/). All collections located in the src/content/ folder will use the existing Content Collections API. This is a temporary restriction necessary during the transition period where both types of collections are allowed.

    Do not move the existing src/content/config.ts file. This file will define all collections, using either API.

  2. Edit the collection definition. Your updated collection requires a loader, and the option to select a collection type is no longer available.

    import { defineCollection, z } from 'astro:content';
    import { glob } from 'astro/loaders';
    const blog = defineCollection({
    // For content layer you no longer define a `type`
    type: 'content',
    loader: glob({ pattern: '**\/[^_]*.md', base: "./src/data/blog" }),
    schema: z.object({
    title: z.string(),
    description: z.string(),
    pubDate: z.coerce.date(),
    updatedDate: z.coerce.date().optional(),
  3. Change references from slug to id. Content layer collections do not have a slug field. Instead, all updated collections will have an id. You may also need to update your file name to match an updated getStaticPaths() parameter:

    export async function getStaticPaths() {
    const posts = await getCollection('blog');
    return posts.map((post) => ({
    params: { slug: post.slug },
    params: { slug: post.id },
    props: post,
  4. Switch to the new render() function. Entries no longer have a render() method, as they are now serializable plain objects. Instead, import the render() function from astro:content.

    import { getEntry, render } from 'astro:content';
    const post = await getEntry('blog', params.slug);
    const { Content, headings } = await post.render();
    const { Content, headings } = await render(post);
    <Content />
Breaking changes to legacy content and data collections
Section titled Breaking changes to legacy content and data collections

By default, collections that use the old types (content or data) and do not define a loader are now implemented under the hood using the Content Layer API’s built-in glob() loader, with extra backward-compatibility handling.

While this backwards compatibility implementation is able to emulate most of the features of legacy collections, there are some differences and limitations that may cause breaking changes to existing collections:

  • In previous versions of Astro, collections would be generated for all folders in src/content/, even if they were not defined in src/content/config.ts. This behavior is now deprecated, and collections should always be defined in src/content/config.ts. For existing collections, these can just be empty declarations (e.g. const blog = defineCollection({})) and Astro will implicitly define your legacy collection for you in a way that is compatible with the new loading behavior.
  • The special layout field is not supported in Markdown collection entries. This property is intended only for standalone page files located in src/pages/ and not likely to be in your collection entries. However, if you were using this property, you must now create dynamic routes that include your page styling.
  • Sort order of generated collections is non-deterministic and platform-dependent. This means that if you are calling getCollection(), the order in which entries are returned may be different than before. If you need a specific order, you should sort the collection entries yourself.
  • image().refine() is not supported. If you need to validate the properties of an image you will need to do this at runtime in your page or component.
  • the key argument of getEntry(collection, key) is typed as string, rather than having types for every entry.
Enabling the legacy.collections flag
Section titled Enabling the legacy.collections flag

If you are not yet ready to update your existing collections, you can enable the legacy.collections flag and your existing collections will continue to function as before.

The following deprecated features are no longer supported and are no longer documented. Please update your project accordingly.

Some deprecated features may temporarily continue to function until they are completely removed. Others may silently have no effect, or throw an error prompting you to update your code.

In Astro v4.x, you could use Astro.glob() in your .astro components to query multiple files in your project. This had some limitations (where it could be used, performance, etc.), and using querying functions from the Content Collections API or Vite’s own import.meta.glob() often provided more function and flexibility.

Astro 5.0 deprecates Astro.glob() in favor of using getCollection() to query your collections, and import.meta.glob() to query other source files in your project.

Replace all use of Astro.glob() with import.meta.glob(). Note that import.meta.glob() no longer returns a Promise, so you may have to update your code accordingly. You should not require any updates to your glob patterns.

const posts = await Astro.glob('./posts/*.md');
const posts = Object.values(import.meta.glob('./posts/*.md', { eager: true }));
{posts.map((post) => <li><a href={post.url}>{post.frontmatter.title}</a></li>)}

Where appropriate, consider using content collections to organize your content, which has its own newer, more performant querying functions.

You may also wish to consider using glob packages from NPM, such as fast-glob.

Deprecated: functionPerRoute (Adapter API)

Section titled Deprecated: functionPerRoute (Adapter API)

In Astro v4.x, you could opt into creating a separate file for each route defined in the project, mirroring your src/pages/ directory in the build folder. By default, Astro emitted a single entry.mjs file, which was responsible for emitting the rendered page on each request.

Astro v5.0 removes the option to opt out of the default behavior. This behavior is now standard, and non-configurable.

Remove the functionPerRoute property from your adapterFeatures configuration. It is no longer available.

export default function createIntegration() {
return {
name: '@matthewp/my-adapter',
hooks: {
'astro:config:done': ({ setAdapter }) => {
name: '@matthewp/my-adapter',
serverEntrypoint: '@matthewp/my-adapter/server.js',
adapterFeatures: {
functionPerRoute: true
Learn more about the Adapter API for building adapter integrations.

The following features have now been entirely removed from the code base and can no longer be used. Some of these features may have continued to work in your project even after deprecation. Others may have silently had no effect.

Projects now containing these removed features will be unable to build, and there will no longer be any supporting documentation prompting you to remove these features.

In Astro v4.x, Lit was a core-maintained framework library through the @astrojs/lit package.

Astro v5.0 removes the integration and it will not receive further updates for compatibility with 5.x and above.

You can continue to use Lit for client components by adding a client-side script tag. For example:

import "../components/MyTabs";
<my-tabs title="These are my tabs">...</my-tabs>

If you’re interested in maintaining a Lit integration yourself, you may wish to use the last published version of @astrojs/lit as a starting point and upgrade the relevant packages.

Removed: hybrid rendering mode

Section titled Removed: hybrid rendering mode

In Astro v4.x, Astro provided three rendering output rendering modes: 'static', 'hybrid', and 'server'

Astro v5.0 merges the output: 'hybrid' and output: 'static' configurations into one single configuration (now called 'static') that works the same way as the previous hybrid option.

It is no longer necessary to specify output: 'hybrid' in your Astro config to use server-rendered pages. The new output: 'static' has this capability included.

Astro will now automatically allow you to opt out of prerendering in your static site with no change to your output configuration required. Any page route or endpoint can include export const prerender = false to be server-rendered on demand, while the rest of your site is statically generated.

If your project used hybrid rendering, you must now remove the output: 'hybrid' option from your Astro config as it no longer exists. However, no other changes to your project are required, and you should have no breaking changes. The previous 'hybrid' behavior is now the default, under a new name 'static'.

import { defineConfig } from "astro/config";
export default defineConfig({
output: 'hybrid',

If you were using the output: 'static' (default) option, you can continue to use it as before. By default, all of your pages will continue to be prerendered and you will have a completely static site. You should have no breaking changes to your project.

An adapter is still required to deploy an Astro project with any server-rendered pages, no matter which output mode your project uses. Failure to include an adapter will result in a warning in development and an error at build time.

Learn more about Astro’s rendering modes.

Removed: Squoosh image service

Section titled Removed: Squoosh image service

In Astro 4.x, you could configure image.service: squooshImageService() to use Squoosh to transform your images instead of Sharp. However, the underlying library libsquoosh is no longer maintained and has memory and performance issues.

Astro 5.0 removes the Squoosh image optimization service entirely.

To switch to the built-in Sharp image service, remove the squooshImageService import from your Astro config. By default, you will use Sharp for astro:assets.

import { squooshImageService } from "astro/config";
import { defineConfig } from "astro/config";
export default defineConfig({
image: {
service: squooshImageService()

If you are using a strict package manager like pnpm, you may need to install the sharp package manually to use the Sharp image service, even though it is built into Astro by default.

If your adapter does not support Astro’s built-in Sharp image optimization, you can configure a no-op image service to allow you to use the <Image /> and <Picture /> components.

Alternatively, you may wish to consider a community-maintained Squoosh image service if you are unable to use the Sharp image service.

If your adapter previously precised its compatibility status with Squoosh, you should now remove this information from your adapter configuration.

supportedAstroFeatures: {
assets: {
isSquooshCompatible: true

Removed: some public-facing types

Section titled Removed: some public-facing types

In Astro v4.x, @types/astro.ts exposed all types publicly to users, whether or not they were still actively used or only intended for internal use.

Astro v5.0 refactors this file to remove outdated and internal types. This refactor brings improvements to your editor (e.g. faster completions, lower memory usage, and more relevant completion options). However, this refactor may cause errors in some projects that have been relying on types that are no longer available to the public.

Remove any types that now cause errors in your project as you no longer have access to them. These are mostly APIs that have previously been deprecated and removed, but may also include types that are now internal.

The following experimental flags have been removed in Astro v5.0 and these features are available for use:

  • env
  • serverIslands

Additionally, the following experimental flags have been removed and are now the default or recommended behavior in Astro v5.0.

The following experimental flags have been removed and their corresponding features are not part of Astro v5.0.

  • contentCollectionsCache

Remove these experimental flags if you were previously using them, and move your env configuration to the root of your Astro config:

import { defineConfig } from 'astro/config';
export default defineConfig({
experimental: {
directRenderScript: true,
globalRoutePriority: true,
contentLayer: true,
serverIslands: true,
contentCollectionsCache: true,
env: {
schema: {...}
env: {
schema: {...}

These features are all available by default in Astro v5.0.

See Astro’s current experimental features.

Some default behavior has changed in Astro v5.0 and your project code may need updating to account for these changes.

In most cases, the only action needed is to review your existing project’s deployment and ensure that it continues to function as you expect, making updates to your code as necessary. In some cases, there may be a configuration setting to allow you to continue to use the previous default behavior.

CSRF protection is now set by default

Section titled CSRF protection is now set by default

In Astro v4.x, The default value of security.checkOrigin was false. Previously, you had to explicitly set this value to true to enable Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) protection.

Astro v5.0 changes the default value of this option to true, and will automatically check that the “origin” header matches the URL sent by each request in on-demand rendered pages.

If you had previously configured security.checkOrigin: true, you no longer need this line in your Astro config. This is now the default.

To disable this behavior, you must explicitly set security.checkOrigin: false.

export default defineConfig({
output: "server",
security: {
checkOrigin: false

Route priority order for injected routes and redirects

Section titled Route priority order for injected routes and redirects

In Astro v4.x, experimental.globalRoutePriority was an optional flag that ensured that injected routes, file-based routes, and redirects were all prioritized using the route priority order rules for all routes. This allowed more control over routing in your project by not automatically prioritizing certain kinds of routes and standardizing the route priority order.

Astro v5.0 removes this experimental flag and makes this the new default behavior in Astro: redirects and injected routes are now prioritized equally alongside file-based project routes.

Note that this was already the default behavior in Starlight, and should not affect updated Starlight projects.

If your project includes injected routes or redirects, please check that your routes are building page URLs as expected. An example of the new expected behavior is shown below.

In a project containing the following routes:

  • File-based route: /blog/post/[pid]
  • File-based route: /[page]
  • Injected route: /blog/[...slug]
  • Redirect: /blog/tags/[tag] -> /[tag]
  • Redirect: /posts -> /blog

The following URLs will be built (instead of following the route priority order of Astro v4.x):

  • /blog/tags/astro is built by the redirect to /tags/[tag] (instead of the injected route /blog/[...slug])
  • /blog/post/0 is built by the file-based route /blog/post/[pid] (instead of the injected route /blog/[...slug])
  • /posts is built by the redirect to /blog (instead of the file-based route /[page])

In the event of route collisions, where two routes of equal route priority attempt to build the same URL, Astro will log a warning identifying the conflicting routes.

Read more about the route priority order rules.

<script> tags are rendered directly as declared

Section titled &lt;script&gt; tags are rendered directly as declared

In Astro v4.x, experimental.directRenderScript was an optional flag to directly render <scripts> as declared in .astro files (including existing features like TypeScript, importing node_modules, and deduplicating scripts). This strategy prevented scripts from being executed in places where they were not used.

Astro 5.0 removes this experimental flag and makes this the new default behavior in Astro: scripts are no longer hoisted to the <head>, multiple scripts on a page are no longer bundled together, and a <script> tag may interfere with CSS styling.

Please review your <script> tags and ensure they behave as desired.

Read more about using script tags in Astro.

The following changes are considered breaking changes in Astro v5.0. Breaking changes may or may not provide temporary backwards compatibility. If you were using these features, you may have to update your code as recommended in each entry.

In Astro 4.x, Astro’s View Transitions API included a <ViewTransitions /> router component to enable client-side routing, page transitions, and more.

Astro 5.0 renames this component to <ClientRouter /> to clarify the role of the component within the API. This makes it more clear that the features you get from Astro’s <ClientRouter /> routing component are slightly different from the native CSS-based MPA router.

No functionality has changed. This component has only changed its name.

Replace all occurances of the ViewTransitions import and component with ClientRouter:

import { ViewTransitions } from 'astro:transitions';
import { ClientRouter } from 'astro:transitions';
<ViewTransitions />
<ClientRouter />

Changed: TypeScript configuration

Section titled Changed: TypeScript configuration

In Astro v4.x, Astro relied on a src/env.d.ts file for type inferencing and defining modules for features that relied on generated types.

Astro 5.0 instead uses a .astro/types/d.ts file for type inferencing, and now recommends setting include and exclude in tsconfig.json to benefit from Astro types and avoid checking built files.

Running astro sync no longer creates, nor updates, src/env.d.ts as it is not required for type-checking standard Astro projects.

To update your project to Astro’s recommended TypeScript settings, add the following include and exclude properties to your existing tsconfig.json:

"extends": "astro/tsconfigs/base",
"include": [".astro/types.d.ts", "**/*"],
"exclude": ["dist"]

Note that src/env.d.ts is only necessary if you have added custom configurations, or if you’re not using a tsconfig.json file.

Changed: compiledContent() is now an async function

Section titled Changed: compiledContent() is now an async function

In Astro 4.x, top level await was included in Markdown modules. This caused some issues with custom image services and images inside Markdown, causing Node to suddenly exit with no error message.

Astro 5.0 makes the compiledContent() property on Markdown import an async function, requiring an await to resolve the content.

Update your code to use await when calling compiledContent().

import * as myPost from "../blog/post.md";
const content = myPost.compiledContent();
const content = await myPost.compiledContent();
<Fragment set:html={content} />
Read more about the compiledContent() function for returning compiled Markdown.

Changed: astro:content can no longer be used on the client

Section titled Changed: astro:content can no longer be used on the client

In Astro 4.x, it was possible to access the astro:client module on the client.

Astro 5.0 removes this access as it was never intentionally exposed for client use. Using astro:content this way had limitations and bloated client bundles.

If you are currently currently using astro:content in the client, pass the data you need through props to your client components instead:

import { getCollection } from 'astro:content';
import ClientComponent from '../components/ClientComponent';
const posts = await getCollection('blog');
const postsData = posts.map(post => post.data);
<ClientComponent posts={postsData} />
Read more about the astro:content API.

Renamed: Shiki css-variables theme color token names

Section titled Renamed: Shiki css-variables theme color token names

In Astro v4.x, the Shiki css-variables theme used the --astro-code-color-text and --astro-code-color-background tokens for styling the foreground and background colors of code blocks respectively.

Astro v5.0 renames them to --astro-code-foreground and --astro-code-background respectively to better align with the Shiki v1 defaults.

You can perform a global find and replace in your project to migrate to the new token names.

:root {
--astro-code-color-text: #000;
--astro-code-color-background: #fff;
--astro-code-foreground: #000;
--astro-code-background: #fff;
Read more about syntax highlighting in Astro.

Changed: internal Shiki rehype plugin for highlighting code blocks

Section titled Changed: internal Shiki rehype plugin for highlighting code blocks

In Astro 4.x, Astro’s internal Shiki rehype plugin highlighted code blocks as HTML.

Astro 5.0 updates this plugin to highlight code blocks as hast. This allows a more direct Markdown and MDX processing and improves the performance when building the project. However, this may cause issues with existing Shiki transformers.

If you are using Shiki transformers passed to markdown.shikiConfig.transformers, you must make sure they do not use the postprocess hook. This hook no longer runs on code blocks in .md and .mdx files. (See the Shiki documentation on transformer hooks for more information).

Code blocks in .mdoc files and Astro’s built-in <Code /> component do not use the internal Shiki rehype plugin and are unaffected.

Read more about syntax highlighting in Astro.

Changed: Astro-specific metadata attached in remark and rehype plugins

Section titled Changed: Astro-specific metadata attached in remark and rehype plugins

In Astro 4.x, the Astro-specific metadata attached to vfile.data in remark and rehype plugins was attached in different locations with inconsistent names.

Astro 5 cleans up the API and the metadata is now renamed as below:

  • vfile.data.__astroHeadings -> vfile.data.astro.headings
  • vfile.data.imagePaths -> vfile.data.astro.imagePaths

The types of imagePaths has also been updated from Set<string> to string[]. The vfile.data.astro.frontmatter metadata is left unchanged.

While we don’t consider these APIs public, they can be accessed by remark and rehype plugins that want to re-use Astro’s metadata. If you are using these APIs, make sure to access them in the new locations.

Changed: image endpoint configuration

Section titled Changed: image endpoint configuration

In Astro 4.x, you could set an endpoint in your image configuration to use for image optimization.

Astro 5.0 allows you to customize a route and entrypoint of the image.endpoint config. This can be useful in niche situations where the default route /_image conflicts with an existing route or your local server setup.

If you had previously customized image.endpoint, move this endpoint to the new endpoint.entrypoint property. Optionally, you may customize a route:

import { defineConfig } from "astro/config";
image: {
endpoint: './src/image-endpoint.ts',
endpoint: {
route: "/image",
entrypoint: "./src/image_endpoint.ts"

Changed: build.client and build.server resolve behavior

Section titled Changed: build.client and build.server resolve behavior

In Astro v4.x, the build.client and build.server options were documented to resolve relatively from the outDir option, but it didn’t always work as expected.

Astro 5.0 fixes the behavior to correctly resolve from the outDir option. For example, if outDir is set to ./dist/nested/, then by default:

  • build.client will resolve to <root>/dist/nested/client/
  • build.server will resolve to <root>/dist/nested/server/

Previously the values were incorrectly resolved:

  • build.client was resolved to <root>/dist/nested/dist/client/
  • build.server was resolved to <root>/dist/nested/dist/server/

If you were relying on the previous build paths, make sure that your project code is updated to the new build paths.

Changed: Dependencies are no longer processed by Vite

Section titled Changed: Dependencies are no longer processed by Vite

In Astro 4.x, locally-linked dependencies (e.g. npm link, in a monorepo, etc) were able to use Vite features like TypeScript when imported by the Astro config file.

Astro 5 updates the Astro config loading flow to ignore processing locally-linked dependencies with Vite. Instead, these dependencies will be normally imported by the Node.js runtime the same way as other dependencies from node_modules.

This change was made as the previous behavior caused confusion among integration authors who tested against a package that worked locally, but not when published. It also restricted using CJS-only dependencies because Vite required the code to be ESM. Therefore, Astro’s behavior has now changed to ignore processing any type of dependencies by Vite.

Make sure your locally-linked dependencies are built to JS before running your Astro project. Then, the config loading should work as before.

Changed: URLs returned by paginate()

Section titled Changed: URLs returned by paginate()

In Astro v4.x, the URL returned by paginate() (e.g. page.url.next, page.url.first, etc.) did not include the value set for base in your Astro config. You had to manually prepend your configured value for base to the URL path.

Astro 5.0 automatically includes the base value in page.url.

If you are using the paginate() function for these URLs, remove any existing base value as it is now added for you:

export async function getStaticPaths({ paginate }) {
const astronautPages = [{
astronaut: 'Neil Armstrong',
}, {
astronaut: 'Buzz Aldrin',
}, {
astronaut: 'Sally Ride',
}, {
astronaut: 'John Glenn',
return paginate(astronautPages, { pageSize: 1 });
const { page } = Astro.props;
// `base: /'docs'` configured in `astro.config.mjs`
const prev = "/docs" + page.url.prev;
const prev = page.url.prev;
<a id="prev" href={prev}>Back</a>
Read more about pagination in Astro.

Changed: non-boolean HTML attribute values

Section titled Changed: non-boolean HTML attribute values

In Astro v4.x, non-boolean HTML attributes may not have included their values when rendered to HTML.

Astro v5.0 renders the values explicitly as ="true" or ="false", matching proper attribute handling in browsers.

In the following .astro examples, only allowfullscreen is a boolean attribute:

<!-- `allowfullscreen` is a boolean attribute -->
<p allowfullscreen={true}></p>
<p allowfullscreen={false}></p>
<!-- `inherit` is *not* a boolean attribute -->
<p inherit={true}></p>
<p inherit={false}></p>
<!-- `data-*` attributes are not boolean attributes -->
<p data-light={true}></p>
<p data-light={false}></p>

Astro v5.0 now preserves the full data attribute with its value when rendering the HTML of non-boolean attributes:

<p allowfullscreen></p>
<p inherit="true"></p>
<p inherit></p>
<p inherit="false"></p>
<p data-light></p>
<p data-light="true"></p>
<p data-light="false"></p>

If you rely on attribute values, for example, to locate elements or to conditionally render, update your code to match the new non-boolean attribute values:

el.getAttribute('inherit') === ''
el.getAttribute('inherit') === 'false'
el.dataset.light === 'true'

Changed: adding values to context.locals

Section titled Changed: adding values to context.locals

In Astro 4.x, it was possible to completely replace the entire locals object in middleware, API endpoints, and pages when adding new values.

Astro 5.0 requires you to append values to the existing locals object without deleting it. Locals in middleware, API endpoints, and pages, can no longer be completely overridden.

Where you previously were overwriting the object, you must now instead assign values to it:

ctx.locals = {
Object.assign(ctx.locals, {
one: 1,
two: 2

Changed: params no longer decoded

Section titled Changed: params no longer decoded

In Astro v4.x, params passed to getStaticPath() were automatically decoded using decodeURIComponent.

Astro v5.0 no longer decodes the value of params passed to getStaticPaths. You must manually decode them yourself if needed.

If you were previously relying on the automatic decoding, use decodeURI when passing params.

export function getStaticPaths() {
return [
{ params: { id: "%5Bpage%5D" } },
{ params: { id: decodeURI("%5Bpage%5D") } },
const { id } = Astro.params;

Note that the use of decodeURIComponent) is discouraged for getStaticPaths because it decodes more characters than it should, for example /, ?, # and more.

Changed: RouteData type replaced by IntegrationsRouteData (Integrations API)

Section titled Changed: RouteData type replaced by IntegrationsRouteData (Integrations API)

In Astro v4.x, the entryPoints type inside the astro:build:ssr and astro.build.done hooks was RouteData.

Astro v5.0 the entryPoints type is now IntegrationRouteData, which contains a subset of the RouteData type. The fields isIndex and fallbackRoutes were removed.

Update your adapter to change the type of entryPoints from RouteData to IntegrationRouteData.

import type {RouteData} from 'astro';
import type {IntegrationRouteData} from "astro"
function useRoute(route: RouteData) {
function useRoute(route: IntegrationRouteData) {

Changed: distURL is now an array (Integrations API)

Section titled Changed: distURL is now an array (Integrations API)

In Astro v4.x, RouteData.distURL was undefined or a URL

Astro v5.0 updates the shape of IntegrationRouteData.distURL to be undefined or an array of URLs. This fixes a previous error because a route can generate multiple files on disk, especially when using dynamic routes such as [slug] or [...slug].

Update your code to handle IntegrationRouteData.distURL as an array.

if (route.distURL) {
if (route.distURL.endsWith('index.html')) {
// do something
for (const url of route.distURL) {
if (url.endsWith('index.html')) {
// do something

Changed: Arguments passed to app.render() (Adapter API)

Section titled Changed: Arguments passed to app.render() (Adapter API)

In Astro 4.x, The Adapter API method app.render() could receive three arguments: a mandatory request, an object of options or a routeData object, and locals.

Astro 5.0 combines these last two arguments into a single options argument named renderOptions.

Pass an object as the second argument to app.render(), which can include routeData and locals as properties.

const response = await app.render(request, routeData, locals);
const response = await app.render(request, {routeData, locals});

Changed: Properties on supportedAstroFeatures (Adapter API)

Section titled Changed: Properties on supportedAstroFeatures (Adapter API)

In Astro 4.x, supportedAstroFeatures, which allows adapter authors to specify which features their integration supports, included an assets property to specify which of Astro’s image services were supported.

Astro 5.0 replaces this property with a dedicated sharpImageService property, used to determine whether the adapter is compatible with the built-in sharp image service.

v5.0 also adds a new limited value for the different properties of supportedAstroFeatures for adapters, which indicates that the adapter is compatible with the feature, but with some limitations. This is useful for adapters that support a feature, but not in all cases or with all options.

Additionally, the value of the different properties on supportedAstroFeatures for adapters can now be objects, with support and message properties. The content of the message property will show a helpful message in the Astro CLI when the adapter is not compatible with a feature. This is notably useful with the new limited value, to explain to the user why support is limited.

If you were using the assets property, remove this as it is no longer available. To specify that your adapter supports the built-in sharp image service, replace this with sharpImageService.

You may also wish to update your supported features with the new limited option and include a message about your adapter’s support.

supportedAstroFeatures: {
assets: {
supportKind: "stable",
isSharpCompatible: true,
isSquooshCompatible: true,
sharpImageService: {
support: "limited",
message: 'This adapter supports the built-in sharp image service, but with some limitations.'

Removed: Deprecated definition shape for dev toolbar apps (Dev Toolbar API)

Section titled Removed: Deprecated definition shape for dev toolbar apps (Dev Toolbar API)

In Astro 4.x, when building a dev toolbar app, it was still possible to use the previously deprecated addDevToolbarApp(string); signature. The id, title, and icon properties to define the app were then made available through the default export of the app’s entrypoint.

Astro 5.0 completely removes this option entirely in favor of the current object shape when defining a dev toolbar app in an integration that’s more intuitive and allows Astro to provide better errors when toolbar apps fail to load correctly.

If you were using the deprecated shape, update your dev toolbar app to use the new shape:

// Old shape
// New shape
id: "my-app",
name: "My App",
icon: "<svg>...</svg>",
entrypoint: "./my-app.js",
export default {
id: 'my-dev-toolbar-app',
title: 'My Dev Toolbar App',
icon: '🚀',
init() {
// ...

Know a good resource for Astro v5.0? Edit this page and add a link below!

Please check Astro’s issues on GitHub for any reported issues, or to file an issue yourself.

In most cases, ensuring that your locally-linked dependencies are built to JS before running the Astro project, the config loading should work as before.


